“I do understand basic conversations with the doctor. But then in terms of medication. If I do speak something wrong, or if I misunderstand, or if I am not able to explain or understand. What medication I was supposed to take. I am a bit afraid of that part. So I normally take my grandson as an interpreter for my visits to the hospital” South Asian elderly Mr. Gaha Thapa Kama Bahadur said.

Therefore, the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) launched The “Support to Ethnic Elderly” (SEE) Project serving a group of South and Southeast Asian seniors living in West Kowloon. For example, promoting primary healthcare; raising their awareness of public and health services; boosting cultural exchange between Chinese and ethnic minority elders; educating caregivers, etc. In the past 7 years, they have assisted over 2000 ethnic minority elders and caregivers.

Ms Peggy Lau, Project Leader of HKCS, said that the ethnic minority elders face severe language barriers in receiving information. But for these seniors who speak no Chinese or English, or even not literate in their own country’s language. They are not clear about what is happening in the society and the simplest of translated government information. For example, HKCS has over 80% of ethnic minority elders before learning about us. They knew nothing about the Health Care Voucher scheme.

They afraid to seek medical help because not knowing how to communicate with Chinese or only know to go to emergency rooms for help. And even at ER were unable to communicate with doctors. They do not know to ask for translation service.

There is no translation service for them in this area. When picking up their medication., the labels are only in Chinese or English. They are not sure how much to take. Whether the medication is to be applied or taken orally, and when to take them.

As a result, they may return to their home country for medical treatment. Then return to Hong Kong with a lot of medication. But as they also seek medical treatment in Hong Kong. And may regard medication from both places. They think the medication are very important, so they take them all together.

SEE Project is identifying groups in need within the community. It is early intervention and early treatment. For example, seniors with “3-Highs” or health needs. HKCS contacts the professionals to give health talks. Help them learn about and manage their own illnesses and know what their chronic illnesses are.

The main purpose of this programme is connection with nearby elderly centres. HKCS programme is a limited term community service. In terms of provision of long-run support, HKCS still need to return to the nearby elderly centres. So that they receive help in their own neighbourhood.

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