
諺語有云:「養兒一百歲,長憂九十九」,道出許多家長在育兒過程中的心聲。家長尋求各種育兒方法,幫助子女在瞬息萬變的環境中茁壯成長,有的尋求專業人士及家長朋友的指導,有得在網上群組中尋求理想方法,期望成為「稱職」的家長,但同時亦承受著越來越大的壓力。 前線同工分享一個服務個案,一位五十多歲的媽媽育有四名子女,其中三名分別八歲、十四歲及十六歲的孩子均有不同程度的自閉症譜系障礙,過去十幾年來將大部分時間都放在照顧家庭上,承受巨大壓力之餘,漸漸對自身的需要、興趣以至價值都遺忘了。 她參與了社聯與香港中文大學社會工作學系和社福機構合作的「賽馬會『你』想家長培力計劃」,透過提升家長能力和轉變思維方式,學懂欣賞自己及孩子的獨特性,明白要照顧家庭,亦要「照顧好」自己。她更發掘自己的烹飪潛能,擔任社會服務單位的烹飪班導師,並開設網店分享美食。她的經歷和體驗同時啟發了許多家長,樂觀勇敢面對挑戰。 順帶一提,每年5月15日是聯合國訂立的「國際家庭日」,社聯今個星期六及日將於荃灣愉景新城一樓中庭舉辦「快樂家庭月同樂日2023暨家長培力嘉許禮」,有許多以「家長與子女同行」為題的活動,例如互動裝置遊戲和新興運動,期望為家長注入新思維,啟發他們了解親職與個人成長的關係,鞏固家庭文化,一起營造家庭友好的環境。 文章刊於2023年5月2日《AM730–蔡海偉網誌》 ...

SHKP Rainbow with KIDS – Picture Book 《噢!玻璃瓶打破了!》 Now in bookshops!

“SHKP Rainbow with KIDS”, turning into its fourth year, has been supporting more than 600 children and youth who have undergone traumatic family crises. It provides opportunities for them to naturally express their feelings, relieve psychological stress and re-build their confidence so as to face the crises with a positive attitude and support. The professionals assist the parents to maintain a good connection and communication with their children, thus, they can face the challenges together. Please download the leaflet for more details. The 2nd picture book namely 《噢!玻璃瓶打破了!》under this project has been published. The story is written by Cheung Pui Sze and the illustrator is Ko Man Ho. We hope that this picture book not only serves as a reading book in families, but also let more people to think about how they get through traumatic family crises with children. Believe that children can overcome difficulities with supports from family, friends and the school. Just like the broken glass bottle which could be repaired, and even become more beautiful ...


社福界一直推動家長教育,會舉辦不同類型及主題的家長教育活動。為讓公眾認識更多不同社會服務機構所舉辦的家長教育活動,香港社會服務聯會收集了部分機構有關資料。相關資料以全港18個行政區劃分,請按相關區域下載有關資料,如想了解更多舉辦家長教育活動的詳情,請聯絡相關機構。 如機構想更新服務資料,請以電郵︰[email protected] 聯絡同事跟進,謝謝﹗ 中西區 東區 南區 灣仔區 深水埗區 九龍城區 觀塘區 黃大仙區 油尖旺區 離島區 葵青區 北區 西貢區 沙田區 大埔區 荃灣區 屯門區 元朗區 ...


「逃犯條例修訂」引發廣泛社會爭議及不同場境形形式式的衝突,主流媒體充斥著激烈的畫面,但當中人士的經歷、感受、聲音和需要均難以被發現與照顧。 工作坊將分享應用集體敘事實踐促進社區人士立體對話的經驗、知識與技巧,並與參加者一同探索運用敘事治療支援受社會狀況困擾人士的更多可能性。 日期: 2019年12月2日(星期一) 時間: 下午2:30至5:30 地點: 香港灣仔駱克道3號5樓501室 講者: 趙德財先生(聖雅各福群會高級經理) 形式: 應用案例分享及討論 對象: 社工或輔導員,須對敘事治療有基本認識,具實踐經驗更佳 名額: 30 費用: 全免 *備註:本節結束後將會邀請有興趣的參加者組成實務小組,以共學如何運用敘事實踐回應近月社會狀況引發的社區、家庭和情緒問題。 報名:網上報名 查詢:2864 2958(鄧小姐) ...

Facing the Challenge of Family Breakdown

Impact of Divorce on Children Families in Hong Kong are no exception in facing many challenges like many other developed cities. Growing trend of family breakdown would be the most prominent challenge among all. The divorce rate of Hong Kong has grown drastically in the past three decades. In 1986 there were 9.8 divorces per hundred marriages registered in the year; by 2016, that figure had risen to 34.4, which means for every 10 couples getting married on one hand, another 3 couples divorced on the other hand. According to the study conducted by the University of Hong Kong in 2014, it is estimated that the proportion of children affected by divorce has risen from 4% in 2001 to 7% in 2011. And the divorced households are found to face higher financial pressure than the general households. Further, the study shows that the impacts of divorce on the emotional health of affected adults and children, as well as academic motivation of children are generally negative. Under the liberal atmosphere, divorce is regarded as socially acceptable nowadays. Very often, a divorce is simply a mutual and peaceful choice made between two adults. However, if children are involved, the society cannot just ...
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