Under the auspices of the Committee of Child Abuse, a task group with members from various professionals has been formed in late 2016 to review the Procedural Guide for Handling Child Abuse Cases (Revised 2015) (处理虐待儿童个案程序指引). With the dedicated efforts of parties from various sectors who have contributed valuable comments in the draft versions, the review has been completed and the revised 保护儿童免受虐待—多专业合作程序指引 (Protecting Children from Maltreatment–Procedural Guide for Multi-disciplinary Co-operation) (the Guide) was endorsed by the Committee on Child Abuse in its meeting on 20 December 2019. The Guide will be in full implementation on 1 April 2020.
The Chinese version of the Guide will be uploaded to the Homepage of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) around mid-January 2020 while the English version will be uploaded by end of February 2020. Please also be informed that hard copy of the Guide will NOT be printed for the sake of environmental conservation. As the existing Procedural Guide is still in practice, it will not be removed from SWD Homepage until 1 April 2020.
To facilitate related professionals to get acquainted with the revisions made, those who are now working/will work with children and families or need to know about the Guide for work are invited to join the briefing sessions organized by SWD with details listed below.
日期: 2020年2月5日 (星期三)
时间: 下午二时半至五时半
地点: 香港湾仔爱群道18号伊利沙伯体育馆表演场
名额: 不限
报名方法 : 请于 https://forms.gle/29ShdQ4bn4EJSoYh6 报名
截止日期: 2020年1月21日
备注: 将安排录影简介会内容,并于稍后上载社会福利署「易学站」
English Session
Date: 4 March 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30p.m. to 5:30p.m.
Venue: Gymnasium, Lady Trench Training Centre, 44 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Capacity: 400 (on a first come, first served basis)
Enrolment: on-line application via https://forms.gle/LurG82TZo9F2RDyk9
Deadline for enrolment: 21 February 2020
A confirmation email with details on registration on the session day will be sent to the applicant if the enrolment is accepted.
For your information, another session with similar content as 中文场(1) will be organized by Education Bureau on 21 January 2020 a.m. at EDB Kowloon Tong Education Resource Centre for educational sector with capacity of 400. Related professionals may refer to https://tcs.edb.gov.hk/tcs/admin/courses/previewCourse/forPortal.htm?courseId=SA0020200011&lang=en for details and enrolment.
For enquiries, please contact Ms Shirley Wong, Social Work Officer (Domestic Violence)4, on 3468 2465 or Mr Benson Lo, Assistant Social Work Officer (Domestic Violence)2, on 3468 2176. If colleagues are unable to attend all 3 briefing sessions provided, they may attend subsequent training programmes on child protection work organized by the Department or contact Ms Wong/Mr Lo after 8 January 2020 to explore if there is any vacancy in the session for the educational sector.