We are inviting responses to the following Tender Invitation:

Tender for Provision of Comprehensive Cloud-based Digital Platform for Gerontech Education and Rental Service


Interested parties please download the tender invitation with documents listed below.

Supplier should lodge their proposal in both hard and soft copy.
Three (3) sets of tender document properly completed and enclosed in a sealed plain envelope (without bearing the identity of the Supplier on the surface) marked “Tender for Provision of Comprehensive Cloud-based Digital Platform for Gerontech Education and Rental Service (Ref.: HKCSS-RENTAL-SYSO39)” and addressed to Ms. Joyce Ho, the Project Director of ITA, should hand-delivered before 12:00 (Hong Kong Time) on 6 March 2025 (Thursday) (“the Tender Closing Date”) to the following office:

The Tender Box, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service,

13/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,

15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

For soft copy of tender documents in both word and PDF formats,
please upload it to https://forms.gle/88Xd9Bdkj74SSgMU8

*Late tender or tender not submitted in accordance with the aforesaid manner, including tender submitted in both hard and soft copies, will not be considered.

All further communication regarding this tendering should be in writing to the email address to [email protected] by e-mail.


Tender Documents

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