HKCSS Institute will launch the 3rd cohort of “Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024”, to be conducted from September to December 2024. It aims to equip newly promoted supervisors and managers with the needed skills and mindset on personal efficacy and people management. You are cordially invited to recommend your newly promoted middle managers to join us! 

In this ever-changing era, newly promoted supervisors and managers are confronted with different challenges that arise with their role transition. They have to seamlessly evolve from individual contributors to influential people managers. The new leadership responsibilities and relationships require these managers to boost their leadership effectiveness and broaden their horizon so as to lead their teams to work towards common goal
and navigate through changes in this fast-changing environment.

This comprehensive 4-month learning journey, progressing from Leading Self, Leading Team to Unlocking the Power of Influence, is specially designed for newly promoted supervisors and managers (preferably within 3 years) to broaden their skills and mindset as an effective and enabling leader during role transition. Going beyond conventional in-class learning, this programme will bring together participants from diverse background and build a mutual learning and support network across services and organisations. Experience sharing and thought exchange among participants will be further facilitated through various group coaching and experiential learning activities, fostering a sense of community and bonding among the participants.

Priority will be given to applicants with recommendation from their supervisors/organisations. Organisation recommendation and programme application (early bird) deadline is 12th July 2024. For other programme details, please refer to: Programme Overview (Leaflet) | Programme Content (Website) | Online Application | Recommendation Form by Organisation.

Should you have further enquiries, please contact my colleagues, Shirley Lui (Tel: 2876 2470) or Catherine Cham (Tel:2876 2423). Thank you for your kind attention

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