Link-Scholarship-2024 poster

Sponsored by: Link   

Co-ordinated by: The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Project description: Support students who are the first amongst three generations in their families to attend university in Hong Kong. An extension of scholarship, Link Scholars Alumni aims to widen the horizon, realise their dreams and promote upward mobility of Scholarship recipients through various community engagement activities.

Expected number of beneficiaries: 220

Type of Scholarship

Application details on Scholarship for Year 1 Studies (Please click)

Application details on Scholarship for Year 2, 3 and 4 Studies (Please click)


Should you have any enquiries, please contact The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Scholarship for Year 1 Studies E-mail: [email protected] ; Scholarship for Year 2, 3 and 4 Studies Email: [email protected]).

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