
發布日期: 2024-07-12

  • 刊登結束日期: 2024-08-12


基督教家庭服務中心 logo


地址: 香港九龍觀塘翠屏道3號

電話: 2861 0283

傳真: 2111 2785

電郵: [email protected]

網址: http://www.cfsc.org.hk




  • 香港中學會考五科合格/香港中學文憑考試五科2級或以上,包括中、英文科(課程乙);具復康服務經驗者較佳;
  • 負責策劃及推行復康訓練及活動,為學員提供日常起居生活照顧服務和協助執行中心日常事務;
  • 每週平均工作44小時,須輪班(主要返A/P更)(另設每半年發放之酬金);觀塘區智障人士服務工作。




有意者請在申請信內註明申請職位及有關代號,並列出期望之薪酬可到職日期,附簡歷及聯絡電話:寄九龍觀塘翠屏道3號10樓或電郵至[email protected]人力資源部收。

Benefits include annual leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leave, compassion leave, family leave, medical insurance, personal accident insurance, medical service discounts, MPF employer voluntary contribution up to 10%.

Please send your application letter quoting our job reference code together with a full resume, available date, last and expected salary by post to the Human Resources Department at 10/F, 3 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon or by email to [email protected].





 Prospective employees who will undertake child or mentally incapacitated persons related work will be requested to undergo the Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC).

 Applicants not hearing from us within two months from the date of advertisement may consider their applications fail.

 All personal data of unsuccessful candidates would be destroyed after 6 months of interview and after 3 months of receiving applications for those without interview.

 Personal data provided by job applicants will be used for recruitment purpose for different posts in the Agency only.




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