
發布日期: 2024-07-17

  • Post End Date: 2024-08-17

Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped

Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped

Address:Unit 21-24, G/F, Nam On House, Nam Shan Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Telephone : 2778 8131

Fax : 2778 8939

Email : [email protected]

Website : http://www.hkjcpmh.org.hk



(Sorry, in Chinese version only. )




Program WorkerFull-time



  • 負責協助推行社區教育計劃、智障人士獨立生活訓練、康樂及興趣小組、家長活動、義工發展等;
  • 中學畢業,或具同等學歷;
  • 具1年或以上工作經驗,有家長教育或復康服務工作經驗者優先考慮;
  • 薪金面議,請於履歷表註明薪金要求。


本會福利包括有薪假期(年假、生日假、產假/侍產假、進修假期)及醫療津貼等。申請人請將履歷郵寄至九龍石硤尾南山邨南安樓21-24號地下,或電郵履歷至[email protected](請註明申請職位)。如兩個月內未獲聯絡約見則作落選論,恕不另函通知。






** Apart from the vacancy in the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, this Council will not be responsible for processing any of the above vacancies. If you are interested in applying for the above vacancies, please submit your application directly to the relevant authorities. Thanks for your cooperation.

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