The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world in an unexpected way. The North East Asia (NEA) region is also facing common challenges in this very hard time due to the coronavirus.
To enhance information and knowledge sharing, and to explore possible collaboration in regional/ global level to overcome COVID-19, the ICSW NEA COVID-19 Webinar will provide a good platform for regional members to share and exchange valuable experience and ideas in respond to the pandemic. Hosted by ICSW North East Asia Regional Secretariat, the 105-minute webinar is aiming to help the regional welfare sector to identify good initiatives to overcome this unprecedented situation. It will also explore successful factors to prepare for the risk of the second wave of COVID-19 in global, regional and local level in the near future.
Details of the ICSW North East Asia Regional Webinar on COVID-19: Welfare Challenges and Response:
Date: 29 July 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:00pm (105 minutes)
Language: English
Mode: Zoom Video conferencing
Interested participants please enroll online on or before 27 July 2020 (Monday).
For enquiries, please contact the ICSW North East Asia Regional Secretariat at [email protected].