Application period:
From 1st March to 15th April 2019

Launched in 2012, the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme (CPP) is supported by the Home Affairs Department, the Social Welfare Department and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). The Programme aims to inspire district-based community initiatives to foster a more inclusive society. Since its launch, CPP has supported more than 1,100 projects benefiting over 4,000,000 people in Hong Kong.

In 2019, a total of HKD18 million is being allocated to district-based community initiatives across 18 districts in Hong Kong. Donation for each project is increased, ranging from HKD200,000 to HKD500,000, to support worthy initiatives of duration up to 12 months.

To address unmet needs in contexts of social changes, 2019 CPP will adopt new funding sub-themes under “Bringing People Together”, and now open for application. Please refer to details from CPP website.

Targets: Representatives of charities registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) for at least 3 years


For details, please visit :

For enquiries, please email: [email protected]

* The Guideline for the Use of Personal Data is available on the Website and can be viewed at:

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