The annual Policy Research and Advocacy Conference was successfully held on 4th March, attracting over a hundred professionals in the sector. For the first time, we had poster presentation session allowing participants to share their research work and experiences, collectively exploring how research can support the service development and drive to policy advocacy. HKCSS would like to express gratitude for the contributions of the speakers and the support of all participants. You are welcome to click on the following links to access the presentation slides and poster contents.
Keynote speech PowerPoint
Evidence-based Policy Advocacy – Dr. Law Chi Kwong, The University of Hong Kong
Using Research Data to Drive Service Development – Prof. Terry Lum, The University of Hong Kong
Poster presentation (in no particular order)
浸信會愛羣社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
關注草根生活聯盟 Concern For Grassroots Livelihood Alliance
香港復康會 The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
基督教家庭服務中心 Christian Family Service Centre
香港家庭福利會 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
香港基督教女青年會 Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association
香港基督教服務處 Hong Kong Christian Service
聖雅各福群會露宿者綜合服務隊 St. James’ Settlement Integrated Services For Street Sleepers
循道衛理楊震社會服務處 Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service
If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Lok at 2876 2473 or email to [email protected]. Thanks.