The pandemic has been catastrophically impacting people’s lives. For the Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong, the impact has become severe yet invisible.

As the pandemic-related news and measures are disseminated in Chinese first, Ethnic Minorities have been receiving a delayed update. With the concerted efforts among NGOs, translation into infographics, Ethnic Minority languages and even audio messages have been in place to assist the information delivery. For the infected Ethnic Minorities who are hospitalized for treatment and quarantine, a team of linguistically and culturally sensitive professionals has been urgently needed.

In view of the border shutdown and economic downturn, there have been constant strains on Ethnic Minority Communities, resulting in family conflicts, marital conflicts, and even multigenerational domestic violence. The mental health of Ethnic Minorities is demanding the health care professionals’ attention. This also heightened the attention to kick start the discussion on the necessity of implementing a culturally sensitive support in the public health care infrastructure.

Therefore, a training session called Ethnic Minorities’ Mental health and physical health affected by the pandemic is arranged to raise the sector’s awareness and cultural competence in providing Ethnic Minorities with the timely and appropriate health services.

Ethnic Minorities’ Mental health and physical health affected by the pandemic

Date: October 20, 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 10:00-12:00

Venue: Zoom

Language: English 


  • NGOs/business companies concerned about Ethnic Minorities’ health  
  • Ethnic Minorities interested to understand and work on EM’s health

Ms Ansah Majeed MALIK
Convenor of Working Group on Pandemic-related issues for Ethnic Minorities (2021-2022)
Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Mr Anthony Lai 
Community Development Manager
Health in Action Limited 

Social Impact Assessment Team 
Policy Research and Advocacy
Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Ms Shilpa Patwardhan
Lead Counsellor
The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited

If you are interested in the events, please do register here by October 20, 2022. For inquiry, please contact Ms. Fion Tai at 2876 2450 or email [email protected]. We are looking forward to your participation. Thank you! 


1. Memorandom 

2. Rundown

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