【 S+高峰會暨博覽 | 專題會議 – S6】協力共贏:打造著眼未來的人才策略
面對日增的營運壓力以及日漸轉變的人才趨勢,社會服務機構如何從人才策略角度反思人力挑戰,實現機構人才雙贏? 專題會議 - S6:探討多樣化的員工期望,反思如何在管理上啟發更大機構動能! 當前,職場人才結構變得更為多樣化 — 五「代」同堂的團隊,各人擁抱獨特觀點、價值以及技能。與此同時,社會服務機構亦面對更為複雜的營運環境,需要在有限資源下,繼續維持高質素服務,適時回應多變的社會需要。 回應環境轉變,是次專題會議將匯聚不同背景的嘉賓講者,與業界一同反思目前人才挑戰,著眼未來人才策略! 專題會議歡迎來自人力資源、組織發展、領導管理、人才策略規劃等領域的專業人士,以及非牟利機構管理層、政策制定者及關注社會服務人才發展的各界人士參與。 內容焦點 跨界別交流,共同探討當前人力及職場上的變化及挑戰 解構職場多樣性,反思人才策略及管理上的需要 連結機構目標與人才期望,強化未來社會服務的人力資源 活動詳情 日期:5月20日 (二) 時間:14:30 - 16:00 地點:會展舊翼 4樓 S426-427 語言:廣東話 (以英語輔助) 查詢:2876 2434 ...
HKCSS X LinkedIn|Reimagining Recruitment, Talent Development, and Employer Branding in the NGO Sector
You are invited to join the upcoming Talent Insights Series -【HKCSS X LinkedIn|Reimagining Recruitment, Talent Development, and Employer Branding in the NGO Sector】by the Talent Development team of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). Date: 16th April 2025 (Wed) Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm (Registration begins at 3pm) Location: LinkedIn HK Office, 38/F Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay Target Participants: NGO Agency Heads & Senior Management Staff Enquiry: 2864 2905 (Ms. Hui) or 2876 2470 (Ms. Lui) Remarks: Limited quotas. For overwhelming enrollment, a screening process will be done by LinkedIn and HKCSS. Participants who have successfully enrolled for the event will receive a confirmation email by 3rd Apr (Thu). ...
【社聯人才發展】Insight and more!《3月號》
非政府機構薪酬調查 2024 - 調查結果發布 關注未來勞動力 ...
NGOs Salary Survey 2024 – Result Release Session
【Enrollment Deadline 截止報名日期: 6 March 2025】 Date 19 March 2025 (Wednesday) Time 14:30 – 17:30 (registration starts at 14:15) Venue Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Target Participants ONLY for Management Staff and HR Professionals of NGOs Salary Survey 2024 Participating Agency Members (Two complimentary seats are available for each Participating Agency Member) Language Cantonese Rundown 【Part 1】 14:30 - 16:00 Welcome Remarks Key Findings Highlight Sharing Session on "Future Workforce" by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Networking 【Part 2】 (Participants will be divided into groups to exchange thoughts) * 16:00 - 17:30 Group Discussion Session Wrap-up & Networking *Remarks: Group discussion session will be facilitated by our NGOs Salary Survey Advisory Committee Members. Participants will be divided into groups and are encouraged to participate actively to exchange thoughts on the above topic. Participants may choose to either enroll in “Part 1 Only" or “Both Part 1 and Part 2”. Participants who have successfully registered for the session will receive a confirmation email on or before 10 March 2025. If you don’t receive any email by the said date, please do not hesitate to contact us. Apply ...
JC InnoPower Social Welfare Fellowship 2025-26 Application Now Open!
Recent trends of manpower and human resources in the social welfare sector have drawn NGOs' concern over recruitment and retention of existing practitioners as well as future leadership of the sector. Coupled with the increased pressure to adapt quickly to evolving service needs and new regulations in the post-COVID era, NGOs and the sector face many challenges to maintain quality service delivery, organisational management as well as governance. In light of these challenges and the changing talent development needs of the sector, The Council has partnered with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch the “JC InnoPower Social Welfare Fellowship” (the “Programme”) in early 2024. The Programme aims to broaden the exposure of senior management in the social welfare sector and develop their future-readiness and adaptive leadership for enhancement of organisation capacities and for a sustainable ecosystem. The Programme is a 12-month journey comprising 30 days Leadership Development spreading across 6 months, and followed by a design and implementation of a Staff Development Fund Project in the ensuing 6 months. During the entire journey, there will be a one-week intensive adaptive leadership programme at Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fellows selected will be learning the adaptive leadership ...