Report Back Session on the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and Switzerland Study Visit
As our population is aging rapidly, the government has been actively promoting aging in place in the sense that the elderly can live healthily and receive care in their community. More and more elderly people are expected to go through an end of life care journey in community. In response to this, the sector is actively developing a wide variety of life and death education, and community-based palliative care services. In October of last year, The Council organized a delegation to join the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and visit related service organizations in Switzerland in order to learn from the experiences of other countries in developing end-of-life agenda in community. To enrich the sector with more experience of developing life and death education and related service at community, our Council is organizing "Report Back Session on the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and Switzerland Study Visit" on 25th March, 2025, inviting delegates including Dr. Lam Ching-choi, Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service, Ms. Shirley Wong, Service Supervisor of the Salvation Army and Mr. Norman Kwan, Officer of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to share insights on the development of palliative ...
香港醫藥援助會 共有: 8間 (敬請預約) 資料來源: 地區 診所名稱 地址 聯絡電話 營業時間 港島區 筲箕灣牙科診所 筲箕灣寶文街1號峻峰花園地下1號舖 2217 9212 星期一至五 上午10:00至下午2:00 下午3:00至晚上8:00 興民邨牙科診所 柴灣興民邨興民商場406號舖 2557 8906 星期一至六 上午9:00至下午1:00 星期一至五 下午2:00至晚上7:00 九龍區 彩雲邨牙科診所 彩雲(一)邨長波樓109號地下 2757 8223 / 慈雲山牙科診所 慈雲山雲華街45號慈雲山(南)社區中心二樓 2323 2541 星期一至六 上午9:00-12:00 白田邨牙科診所 石硤尾白田邨康田樓地下 2776 5462 星期一、二、四、五、六 早上9:30-下午1:30 下午3:00-晚上8:00 李鄭屋邨牙科診所 長沙灣李鄭屋邨商場地下113號 2729 7366 星期一至六 上午9:00-中午12:00 星期一至五 下午2:00-5:00 星期二 晚上7:00-9:30 新界區 天悅邨牙科診所 天水圍天悅邨悅泰樓地下 2475 1582 星期一至五 上午9:00-下午1:00 下午2:00-晚上6:30 逸東邨牙科診所 東涌逸東邨一號停車場二樓 3140 6005 / 流動牙科車: 2776 9081 香港基督教服務處 資料來源:clinic-serviceleaflet-2023.05.pdf ( 地區 診所名稱 地址 聯絡電話 營業時間 九龍中(油尖旺) / 香港九龍尖沙咀加連威老道33號1樓 2731 6214 星期一至五 上午9:00至下午1:00 下午2:00至晚上6:00 星期六 上午9:00至下午12:30 聖雅各福群會 資料來源: 地區 診所名稱 地址 聯絡電話 營業時間 港島區 牙科診所 香港灣仔石水渠街85號8樓 2835 4381 / 基督教家庭服務中心 共有: 2間 資料來源: 地區 診所名稱 地址 聯絡電話 營業時間 九龍區 觀塘牙科診所 九龍觀塘翠屏道3號9樓 2950 8101 星期一至五 上午9:00至下午1:00 下午2:00至晚上7:30 星期六 上午9:00至下午1:00 土瓜灣牙科診所 九龍土瓜灣樂民新村G座144號舖 3590 9449 星期一至五、星期六 (隔週) 上午9:00至下午1:00 下午2:00至晚上6:00 基督教靈實協會 共有: 6間 資料來源:牙科門診服務 - 基督教靈實協會 ( 地區 診所名稱 地址 聯絡電話 營業時間 九龍區 靈實秀茂坪診所 九龍秀茂坪邨秀茂坪商場314室 2354 8333 星期一及五 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午3:30至7:30 星期二及四 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午3:00至7:00 星期三 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午3:30至7:00 星期六 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午2:00至5:00 新界區 靈實白普理景林診所 香港新界將軍澳景林邨景櫚樓地下3號 2701 9223 星期一至五 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午3:00至7:30 星期六 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午2:00至4:30 靈實余兆麒厚德診所 香港新界將軍澳常寧路厚德邨TKO Gateway西翼地下W017號鋪 2706 6881 星期一、二、四及五 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午2:30至7:30 星期三 上午8:30至下午1:00 下午3:30至7:30 星期六 ...
Workshop: Effective Data Storytelling in Co-shaping the Social Issues
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the Council) has ever committed through research and advocacy to the co-discovery of social needs and the promotion of service and policy development with the sector. In the past years, the Council has organized conferences and workshops related to research and advocacy, aiming to encourage the sector to share relevant frontline experiences, thereby fostering learning and knowledge exchange. In a new era of social media with overloaded information, everyone can construct their own “social reality”, making it difficult for the public to distinguish between truth and falsity. Against this background, it is more than necessary to develop multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral perspective, and together with data and empirical methods, discuss social issues and co-create solutions. The Council will is going to organize a workshop titled “Effective Data Storytelling in Co-shaping the Social Issues,” hoping to nurture this kind of capacity in the sector. Dr Leung Kai-chi who is a public scholar with strong empirical skill and discursive sense in the subject is invited to be a speaker. The workshop will highlight common data fallacies with the examples of past social issues, and introduce how to visualize data and create data story in resonant with ...
5th Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy – Co-discovery of the New Trend and Issues of Social Development
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the Council) has ever committed through research and advocacy to the co-discovery of social needs and the promotion of service and policy development with the sector. In the past years, the Council has organized conferences and workshops related to research and advocacy, aiming to encourage the sector to share relevant frontline experiences, thereby fostering learning and knowledge exchange. The topic of the annual conference on research and advocacy of the Council is “Co-discovery of the New Trend and Issues of Social Development”. It highlights the role of multi-sectors in shaping social realities and aims to collaboratively explore and construct social trends and issues through data and storytelling. No matter establishing new services or advocating policies, we emphasize using a pragmatic and evidence-based way to grasp social phenomena and trends, and articulating issues in an easily understandable manner to help various sectors recognize social needs and co-create responses. How can we adopt an evidence-based approach to discern the signs of social development, and design appropriate service and policy? Therefore, we have invited various guest speakers from different sectors to share their experiences at the conference, hoping to promote communication between the sectors and other ...
Issue 9 of the newsletter is “Life and Care Planning for Carer Support” (only Chinese version)
Due to aging population and an increasing number of patients with terminal illness, palliative and end-of-life care has lately become an important topic of concern in Hong Kong recently. In view of the concern over respect to patient self-determination and improvement of their quality of life at the terminal stage, the government will implement the legislative proposal of advance directives and dying in place in this year. To equip the sector with knowledge of the related topics and its impacts on palliative and end-of-life care service development, the Council publishes “Newsletter on Palliative and End-of-Life Care Service”. The issue 9 of the newsletter is “Life and Care Planning for Carer Support” (only Chinese version). Carers encounter not only the challenges of their caregiving responsibilities but also their own living concern. This issue will demonstrate the circumstances and needs of carers through research through case studies and stakeholder discussion; meanwhile, with use of the Australian government's Carer Support Planning Framework, to develop a life and care planning framework for carers. Lastly, it will provide some recommendations for the development of a compassionate community." If you have any enquiries or comments on this publication, please contact Ms. Kelly Chong, Officer (Tel: 28642445; ...