Issue 36 – “A Comprehensive Look at Elderly Care in the Greater Bay Area” (Chinese version only)

The new issue of Policy Bulletin is now available (Chinese version only). As always, our Policy Bulletin attempts to adopt new perspectives to look at policy issues in order to enrich policy discussions. Facing the trend of aging population in Hong Kong, elderly care has become conspicuous. Along with the discussions on " Continuum of Care" and "Aging in Place," with the growing interaction between Hong Kong and the Mainland China, elderly care in the Greater Bay Area has also entered the policy discussion and become one of the potential options in the overall elderly care policy. In this issue of the policy bulletin, through the review of the issue of elderly care in the Greater Bay Area from different perspectives, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of elderly care in Great Bay Area to Hong Kong elders, its current service development and bottleneck, and similar experience of the promotion of cross-border elderly care in Macau. This will help different stakeholders to propose policy suggestions in order to create more alternative of the elderly service for Hong Kong elders. You may now download a full copy of the Policy Bulletin Issue 36 – “A Comprehensive Look at ...

Issue 35 – “A New Perspective for Poverty Alleviation” (Chinese version only)

The government has recently proposed a new framework for poverty alleviation, targeting specific groups and implementing measures to measure the effectiveness of poverty alleviation from multiple perspectives. Many social services are aimed at impoverished individuals, and the social service sector is also responsible for operating various poverty alleviation projects. However, the response from the social service sector to the new poverty alleviation framework seems to be limited. This issue of the policy bulletin introduces various concepts and tools for defining poverty, as well as how different countries formulate poverty alleviation goals and policies. It also uses the example of a community space to showcase existing community resources, and invited a former member of the Commission on Poverty to provide ten major poverty alleviation recommendations in light of the current situation of poverty in Hong Kong. Please click here to download Issue 35 Policy Bulletin. For enquiries or to get a hard copy, please contact Ms Rainbow Lok, Officer, Policy Research and Advocacy at [email protected] or 2876 2473 ...

第三十四期 –「保護兒童」

雖然政府通過不同專業的行政指引和舉報機制保護兒童,但是近年仍時有發生虐兒個案。2021年施政報告提出加强立法制定「強制舉報虐待兒童個案機制」,早前在立法會首讀及二讀《强制舉報兒童條例草案》。 本期政策報嘗試估算本港潛在的可被舉報的虐兒個案數目,從不同層面檢討本港保護兒童機制,並分析立法的影響;從而討論如何透過合理的資源分配和跨專業合作發揮保護兒童三層機制。 請按此處下載第三十四期《社聯政策報》。 如有任何查詢,可致電2864 2963或電郵至[email protected],與政策研究及倡議主任陳莹冰小姐聯絡。如需索取本報,可致電2864 2977或電郵至[email protected],與政策研究及倡議程序幹事梁燕群小姐聯絡。 ...

Issue 33 – “End-of-Life Care: The Choice and Support for a ‘Good Death’”

In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced unfortunate incidents resulting from long-term care, which have highlighted the inadequacy of the late-stage care system. With the rapidly increasing elderly population and numerous critically ill patients, achieving good end-of-life care is not an easy task. To ensure that the goal of "good life, good death" is achieved, it is essential to utilize community resources and energy to provide volunteer services and support for those in need. When promoting government policies, we must take into account the importance of providing better care and support for the elderly and critically ill patients. In this month's Policy Bulletin, we have listed several articles that address the policy and service issues that Hong Kong residents should consider to achieve a "good death." These issues include default medical instructions, legislation related to patients passing away at home, community care support, medical and professional manpower training, flexible and rapid intervention support services, and life education. You may now download a full copy of the Policy Bulletin Issue 33 here. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Becky Fung, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy at [email protected] or 2876 2435. To get a hard copy, please contact Ms. Kitty Leung, Programme Executive of Policy ...

第三十二期 -「移•惑:重構移民想像」

統計處的人口數據顯示,於2019年底至2022年中期間,香港的人口減少了22萬9千人。此現象對香港來說既熟悉又陌生,不少人開始感到焦慮,這一期社聯政策報就以「移.惑:重構移民想像」為題,探討如何把移民者帶走的勞動力、知識等填補,以及移民者與留港者的各種資源該如何繼續連結,使其在移民現象中轉化為新的力量。 從數據看遷出香港人群的面貌 移民「潮」對香港社會整體的影響 新移民潮掀起 - 社福機構與社工專業面對的挑戰與出路 移民潮下,遙距的親子關係如何轉化? 如有任何查詢,可致電2876 2488或電郵至  [email protected] ,與政策研究及倡議主任黃莉雅小姐聯絡。如需索取本報,可致電2864 2977或電郵至 [email protected] 。 ...
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