“Participatory Budgeting” Zoom meeting
"Participatory budgeting" is a process that allows community members to discuss and vote on the allocation of a portion of public resources, fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring effective use of community resources. The MWYO Youth Office has gained valuable experience over the past few years. The participatory budgeting experiment in Choi Fook Estate and Kwai Tsing District Council, enabling residents to engage in the management consultation committees and vote on budget allocations. Considering this, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service has invited MWYO to share their practical experiences, exploring its potential for implementation in Hong Kong and considering avenues for enhancing civic participation. Details of the event : Date : December 6, 2024 (Friday) Time : 10:30 AM to 12:00 N.N Venue : Zoom Target : Social service practitioners and social work students Language : Cantonese Guest : Angela Yung (Chief Executive Officer of MWYO Youth Office) Time Content 10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. The Concept of Participatory Budgeting Introduction of the concept Background of establishment Sharing of successful foreign cases 10:45 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. Sharing of ...
【社聯人才發展】Insight and more!《11月號》
Klook總經理岑皓祺分享.Onboarding安排好重要 | 建立持續學習文化的好處 ...
The Golden Key to Unlock Good Governance: Managing with Equality
In today’s landscape, NGOs encounter significant challenges related to equality and discrimination. It is more crucial than ever to proactively identify and address these issues in order to strengthen the NGO governance capacity. The Council has invited the Equal Opportunities Commission to conduct two sharing sessions that will introduce the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, and assist NGOs in implementing good governance for equal opportunities (EO). 【Sharing Session 1】Anti-Discrimination Ordinance - Overview of legal review of key terms related to EO - Explain the principles and importance of EO in various contexts - Share significant unlawful acts that contravene equal opportunity standards 【Sharing Session 2】Equal Opportunity Governance - Explore how to implement preventive measures to enhance EO governance through different case studies - Utilize EO-related policies and best practices to attract and retain talents - Apply EO principles to both staff management and service provision - Provide a checklist for NGOs to review their governance concerning EO Details of the event are as follows: Date: 21 January 2025 (Tuesday) Time: 【Sharing Session 1】2:30 pm - 3:30 pm 【Sharing Session 2】3:40 pm - 5:00 pm Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Speaker: Ms. Sandy Lung, Senior Training Officer (Policy, ...
近年來,香港安老服務業面對不同的衝擊及挑戰,有賴各方守望相助,齊心協力共渡時艱。感謝業界員工一直緊守崗位,迎難而上,不離不棄地全力保護長者。 今年香港安老服務協會與香港職業發展服務處繼續攜手籌辦「第七屆安老服務傑出員工選舉」,活動繼續以表揚有卓越表現的前線和專業人員及提升業界和從業員的社會地位為宗旨外,亦期望透過計劃提升護理服務的水平,推動及優化安老服務的專業發展。 期望各安老服務單位能積極參與提名,表揚一直默默耕耘、不辭勞苦的傑出好員工! 活動詳情:https://ecs-employeeawards.org/活動詳情/ ...
誠邀參與「SocTech Symposium 2024 社創及科技研討會」
查詢: 電話:2922 9229 (何小姐 Jenny HO) 電郵:[email protected] 網址:https://itrc.hkcss.org.hk/ ...