誠邀參與香港社會服務聯會社區發展網絡 社區客廳問卷調查

香港社會服務聯會社區發展網絡社區客廳工作小組現正進行一項線上調查,旨在了解現時社區客廳以及類近服務(即透過延展生活空間支援基層市民)的營運狀況。如你現在/將會營運相關服務,我們誠邀您參與這項調查,分享您在社區客廳工作/延展生活空間的寶貴經驗。 是次調查涵蓋以下主要範疇: 社區客廳/延展生活空間的服務種類,如社區活動、教育培訓、資訊諮詢等。       服務使用者的對象及其需求。 營運社區客廳/延展生活空間的困難。 服務建議及其他您認為相關的意見和想法。 是次調查採用線上問卷形式,預計需時10-15分鐘完成。您的寶貴意見將有助我們尋找未來服務發展供方向。 感謝您撥冗參與是次調查。如有任何查詢,歡迎隨時與我們聯絡 徐小姐 28762460。  按此填寫 (注:如貴機構營運多於一個相關計劃,請以另一份表格分開填寫) ...


近年,戒毒服務單位處理有濫藥行為的父母之個案數字逐年遞升,這些父母大多背負複雜的成長、家庭和社會背景,這些更可能是導致他們濫藥的重要因素。這些父母同樣面對親職責任所帶來的喜樂和壓力,同工協助他們處理戒毒需要的同時,亦與他們同行,給予親職層面的支援,一起面對為人父母的喜和愁。利用「存在-敍事取向」的輔導支援模式,同工與他們一起回顧和整合人生經驗,探索為人父母的價值和親職意義,在履行親職責任的路上給予他們能量,同時使他們透過輔導過程中的經驗和體會,提升戒毒的動力。 活動詳情如下﹕ 日期﹕2024年8月 13 . 20. 27日 (星期二) 時間﹕上午 9 時 30分 至 下午 5 時 30分 語言﹕廣東話 對象﹕濫藥、兒童及青少年、家庭服務同工及社工或輔導系學生 導師﹕陶兆銘教授 名額﹕35名 地點﹕香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈2樓 是次活動費用全免,必須出席整個課程 按此報名   內容: 有吸毒行為的家長之親職歷程 培力為本家長工作的核心概念 培力為本家長個案工作 培力為本家長小組工作 培力為本家長教育和家庭支援工作 再思家長工作中社工的個人成長 再思家長工作中社工的倫理原則和決策 導師簡介: 陶兆銘博士現為香港中文大學社會工作學系副教授,其研究興趣包括青年發展與青年培力、家長教育和家長培力、存在—敘事取向以及數據為本實踐,曾於國際期刊發表八十多篇學術論文,並為Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work & Development的協同編輯,以及數份國際期刊的編輯委員會成員。另外,他也是數間香港社會服務機構的服務委員會委員。除教學和研究工作外,他一直為社工、老師、家長和青少年提供家庭教育、生命教育、服務學習及專業培訓。   有興趣出席活動的人士,請於2024年7月5日或之前填寫報名表格。如有查詢,請致電2876-2421或電郵到[email protected]與黃女士 或 致電2876-2483或電郵到 [email protected]與何先生聯絡。希望大家踴躍參與。 ...

Collection of “A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion in Talent Development”

In this diverse Hong Kong society, we are daily witnesses to the collaborative spirit that brings together people from various ethnicities and backgrounds. As a city with a diverse population, we believe that ethnic inclusion is not just an idea but a practice, a collective effort, and a co-creation. The birth of “A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion in Talent Development” is a milestone in our pursuit of an inclusive society. This Guide signifies the impactful outcomes from different perspectives united in a co-creation journey. This Guide will provide a practical reference resource, supporting employers in establishing a culturally diverse and inclusive workplace environment. At the same time, it also helps multicultural citizens actively integrate into the Hong Kong job market, to develop their professional skills and career paths. If your company/department/unit requires the hardcopy of the Guide, please fill in the Request Form by 21st June, 2024. Thank you. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (2024). “A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion in Talent Development” 香港社會服務聯會:《建構種族共融的人才培訓實用手冊》, 2024 Bilingual Factsheet for Multicultural Employees Bilingual Factsheet for Ethnically Inclusive Employers If you would like to learn more about programs related to ethnic minorities, please visit our website: PRoject for Adaption, Inclusion and Social ...

Innovation Hub Symposium 2023: The Integration of Community Development and Social Innovation

Innovation Hub Symposium 2023: The Integration of Community Development and Social Innovation Date: 15 December, 2023 (Friday) Time: 9:10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Venue: The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 1/F, Auditorium, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong  Language: Cantonese, English and Mandarin (Interpretation services are provided.) Target Audience: Community development workers, social welfare professionals, social work students, and interested individuals No. of participant: 150 Fee: Free of charge Background: The Innovation Hub project, supported by the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme and in collaboration with the Social Work Practice and Mental Health Center of Department of Social Work Hong Kong Baptist University, aims to promote a culture of "growth mindset" among social welfare organizations through mutual learning and collaboration. The project aims to utilize innovative, effective, and sustainable community development models to address community issues and apply the "International Community Development Standards" locally. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) intends to showcase, based on the two years of experience in the program, how community development models can be used to achieve social innovation. They also aim to share the challenges and opportunities faced by participating organizations in the promotion ...

《香港戒毒治療和康復服務三年計劃(2024至2026年) 》意見書

《香港戒毒治療和康復服務三年計劃(2024至2026年) 》意見書 Size: 1290 KB Format : PDF ...
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