Co-Creation – Issue May 2024

Co-Creation Team - What's New Useful Resources ESG Trivia The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that interested you In the last issue of the newsletter, we gathered the votes for the interested SDGs. The results show that most of the participants were interested in Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being, Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities, and Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities. This aligns perfectly with the four main themes of the S+ Summit and Expo. The S+ Summit and Expo was successfully held from 2 May to 3 May. The event was framed by the SDGs and provided a cross-sectoral and cross-professional platform for different stakeholders to discuss and co-create together. By integrating diverse perspectives, the collective strength and wisdom can be consolidated, inspiring innovative thinking and helping to create solutions with social impact in response to different agendas and to build a sustainable and livable Hong Kong together. If you participated in S+, have you already met like-minded partners? “Building Community, Building Tung Chung”: Enters the phase III Supported by Swire Trust and coordinated by HKCSS, “Building Community, Building Tung Chung” Programme was initiated in October 2020, and has ...

S+ Summit cum Expo 2024

Together We Co-create a Sustainable Society “S+”: HKCSS organises the summit and expo on social impact The rapid changes in society, economy, and environment, coupled with major challenges such as demographic shifts, economic restructuring, extreme weather, and the technological revolution, present both significant challenges and golden opportunities for Hong Kong. In the face of these circumstances, we have to work with various sectors in the society, adopt innovative thinking and solutions, to build a sustainable and livable Hong Kong. For over seventy years, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has been rooted in the social welfare sector while connecting community, business, government, academia, and other sectors in creating social impact. On May 2nd and 3rd this year, we will host the "S+ Summit cum Expo" at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, bringing together over 4,000 stakeholders from different sectors to discuss local and regional social issues under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Around 140 social welfare organisations, social enterprises, and impact businesses will showcase their effective solutions in response to social problems. We hope that "S+" can promote stakeholder collaboration (Synergy), create social impact (Social Impact), and promote Hong Kong's sustainable development (Sustainability) ...

Co-Creation – Issue February 2024

共創 Co-Creation - 2024年2月號         Keywords that come to your mind associated with "ESG" In the previous issue, we collected keywords that come to our readers' minds when people associate with "ESG". Some think of co-creation, while others think of investment and business considerations, and the majority associate it with Sustainability. In the previous ESG Trivia, we introduced these two concepts, ESG and Sustainability, and highlighted that while they are frequently used interchangeably, they have distinct differences in their core essence. Nonetheless, these concepts can bring new opportunities for companies. How would you seize these opportunities?       Connect the dots through Art Releasing Emotions and Stress Due to language barriers and cultural differences, elderlies from ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong have had limited access to emotional support services and life-and-death education. ‘The Art of Life Journey’ Expressive Arts Therapy Multi-Ethnics Active Aging Community Scheme by the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center seeks to fill this gap for both ethnic minority and Chinese elderlies, as well as their caretakers, through the use of expressive arts therapies and life-and-death education. The project will collaborate with other NGOs, to encourage cultural exchange between ethnic minority and Chinese elderlies, creating an ...

Co-Creation – Issue December 2023

共創 Co-Creation - 2023年11月號         "Walking with" the Youth In the previous issue of our newsletter, we gathered the social issues that everyone is concerned about. The responses we received mostly revolved around "youth" and "community involvement".  Undoubtedly, youth plays a crucial role in the continuation of society, but not every young person believes in their ability and confidence to create social changes. Therefore, more encouragement and support are needed. More and more companies and organisations are utilising various social media platforms to actively engage with young people. Additionally, they offer scholarships, entrepreneurship funds, and other avenues to encourage youth to actively participate in social affairs, thereby allowing the creativity of the next generation to flourish. As we walk alongside and nurture young talent, do you have any effective methods that you can share?       To Make the working carers seen to the society It is difficult for the working carers to maintain the balance between career, personal life and caregiving. They need to take care of the job duties and caregiving at the same time. The HKCSS Co-Creation Stakeholders Engagement team has organised a seminar to address the needs of carers and how companies ...

Co-Creation – Issue September 2023

          Co-Creation in everyone's mind In the last issue, we collected some thoughts on ‘Co-Creation’ through this eDM. Some may perceive Co-Creation as ‘Co-Existence’, signifying the development of a sustainable society through collaboration among the Government, Business Sector and the Community’. Others believe that Co-Creation is ‘Collaboration’, wherein multiple sectors join hands to develop new projects to address different social issues; ‘Co-Development‘ is the most common response. It does not only signify the concept of walking together but also sharing the same vision, mission and value, so that we can go beyond! Do these answers resonate with what you have had in mind?       Driving Companies Together to Achieve the Common Goals on Sustainable Development In recent years, there has been a growing global concern for sustainable development, leading businesses of all sizes to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects in the business environment. To empower small and medium-sized enterprises and social service organisations in addressing ESG issues, Stakeholders Engagement team has launched the Sustainable Living workshop in collaboration with WWF-HK. Through group consultations, participants collaborate to generate ideas for energy-saving, carbon reduction measures, and other sustainable environmental ...
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