In order to get the practitioners of the sector informed of the Council’s latest research findings and recommendations, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. A new Research Brief has just been published, introducing the “Research on Expenditure Patterns of Grassroots Households (2019-2020)”.

This report based on data from the Census and Statistics Department’s Household Expenditure Survey conducted in 2019/20. The study analyzes the monthly expenditures of grassroots households in areas such as food, housing, and education. As the Household Expenditure Survey did not include Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) households, the results of this study reflect the situation of grassroots families outside the CSSA system. Four specific groups were selected for in-depth exploration, namely private housing households, one-person households, elderly persons living alone / elderly doubletons, and households with children. Based on the findings and analysis, the HKCSS has put forward a series of policy recommendations aimed at reducing poverty and deprivation, and improving their quality of life.

You may access the Research Brief: “Research on Expenditure Patterns of Grassroots Households (2019-2020)” (in Chinese) by following the link provided.


If you have any enquiries, please call 2864 2906 or email [email protected] to contact Mr. Ronald Yick, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy of the Council.

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