I am pleased to inform you that the 75th Annual General Meeting and the Election of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committees (2022-2023) were successfully held on November 25, 2022.
Enclosed please find the result of the aforesaid Election (Appendix) for your perusal. The Council’s Annual Report 2021-2022, Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2022, and 75th HKCSS Anniversary Commemorative Publication can be viewed on the website of the Council at www.hkcss.org.hk. For the sake of environmental protection and carbon reduction, the Annual Report and Financial Statements are published online only. As for the 75th Anniversary Publication, limited number of hard copies are available. If you want to request a copy and make enquiry, please contact Ms. Carman WONG, Programme Executive (Corporate Communications) at 2876 2408 or by email (carman.wong@hkcss.org.hk).
I would like to thank you for your unfailing support to the work of the Council, and to express my heartfelt appreciation to all candidates for their active participation in the Election. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Kenny LEE, Officer (Membership Liaison and Services) at 2864 2973.
Encl. Result of Election