
發布日期: 2024-09-11

  • Post End Date: 2024-09-27

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Address:6/F, 12 Po Yan Street, Community Services Division,Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: 2859 7626

Fax:2803 2842

Email:[email protected]

Website: http://www.tungwah.org.hk



(Chinese version only.)


宿舍一級導師(Boarding Service Master I / Mistress I) SWA


職 責 Responsibility:

  • 負責照顧住宿宿生之生活起居及活動策劃
  • 須輪值及留宿。


申 請 資 格 Qualification:

  • 必須香港中學會考/中學文憑5科達E級/2級(包括中文及英文課程乙)
  • 持有認可社會工作文憑,並已登記成為註冊社工
  • 具良好中文書寫及溝通能力
  • 具青少年輔導工作經驗優先


待 遇 Treatment:

  • 每月薪酬由$25,115-$49,230(由相關工作年資或政府薪酬調整釐訂)
  • 五天工作,公眾假期休息。





截止申請日期 Deadline:2024/9/27


申請人請於2024年9月27日前將個人履歷郵寄至元朗友善街3號,東華三院馬振玉紀念中學(宿舍)或電郵至[email protected],請註明『申請宿舍一級導師』





** Apart from the vacancy in the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, this Council will not be responsible for processing any of the above vacancies. If you are interested in applying for the above vacancies, please submit your application directly to the relevant authorities. Thanks for your cooperation.

To apply for this job email your details to hrm2@hkcss.org.hk

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