社企單位名稱 Name of SE unit |
簡介 Introduction |
Char Yoga and Wellness
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Char Yoga and Wellness 是香港首家特別關愛「癌症戰士」身心健康的社企瑜伽及頌缽療癒館,致力於促進個人,尤其是癌症康復者的身、心、靈健康平衡,並率先在香港推出為癌症戰士專屬而設的「粉紅瑜伽」活動。
Char Yoga and Wellness is a Hong Kong-based self-sustaining social enterprise yoga and singing bowl studio, promotes a well balance of physical, spiritual, and mental health of individual, especially cancer survivors. Char Yoga and Wellness is committed to advocate early rehabilitation exercise, remove physical body tightness, discomfort, and negative emotion after surgery and medical treatment, to regain body mobility and flexibility.
LEX Centre
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LEX Centre was established in 2016 to provide family-oriented and play-based professional treatment and diversified support services to help children with Special Educational Need (SEN) children and their parents to overcome challenges and move towards a growth path.
Society for Innovation and Technology in Social Work
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Society for Innovation and Technology in Social Work is an association composed of social workers, scholars, and professionals from technology and media. Their goal is to promote the application of innovative technology and creative ideas through training, research, consulting, and collaborations with Non-Governmental Organizations. They aim to develop human-centered and progressive social services that keep up with the times, thereby enhance the benefits of technological development for the general public.
Fung Ying Shang Sin Charitable Chinese Medicine Clinic
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Fung Ying Shang Sin Charitable Chinese Medicine Clinic adheres to the service philosophy of “compassion, benevolence, and professionalism”。The provision free medical services as charitable services has been highly valued. They offer affordable and high-quality Chinese medicine services, especially people who aged 65 and above or receiving comprehensive social security assistance are eligible to free consultation and a supply of Chinese herbal medicine regularly.
“Cheers Gallery”Grantham Hospital Rehab Shop|Convenience Store
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“Cheers Gallery” Grantham Hospital Rehab Shop|Convenience Store provides the patients, carers and staff of the hospital with a wide options of rehab products and convenience product helping patients to recover much better. The shop is operated and managed by disabled people. They are given the opportunities to help and care for the patients, and bring out the spirit of mutual help.
“Cheers Gallery” Shatin Hospital Rehab Shop|Convenience Store
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“Cheers Gallery” Shatin Hospital Rehab Shop | Convenience Store provides the patients, carers and staff of the hospital with a wide options of rehab products and convenience product helping patients to recover much better. The shop is operated and managed by disabled people. They are given the opportunities to help and care for the patients, and bring out the spirit of mutual help.
Step on Eat
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嘗嚐營養教育是由營養學家創辦的初創社企,以實證、人、 自然為本的方式推廣生態友善的健康飲食模式,將自然與城市生活重新聯繫起來。
Step on Eat Nutrition Education is a social venture reconnecting nature and urban lifestyles through promoting healthy and eco-friendly diets to the community.
Hong Kong Breaking Association Limted
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透過從街頭活動成為 2024 年巴黎奧運會的比賽項目,具有基層向上流象徵意義,挑戰極限的霹靂舞,培訓弱勢青年成為助教,助教實習期間為基層兒童提供低價/免費堂,同時培育導師人手。積極透過舉辦活動、辦學等推廣霹靂舞項目,推動社會共融及培訓未來霹靂舞運動員,推動霹靂舞發展,團結各界人士,聯絡本港及世界各地霹靂舞團體,以霹靂舞為媒介,宣揚和平、愛、團結和享受樂趣的精神。
Breaking had been confirmed as a competition in Paris Olympics 2024, which has the symbolic meaning of uplifting and challenging everyone limits. HONG KONG BREAKING ASSOCIATION LIMITED treats it as a tool to train youths to become tutors with providing low-cost/free classes to grass-root children and launch fee-based services.
Embracing social Inclusion, starting training base for Breaking athletics (Bboy and Bgirl), negotiating and contacting local Breaking teams/crews by promoting breaking events, organizing activities and regular class etc to advocate the Spirit of Hip-Hop — Peace, Love, Unity and Having Fun. in terms of strength, creativity, etc.
Solomon Learning Limited
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Solomon Learning Limited 通過將教育與現實世界相結合,改變教育方式,引進經過驗證的教育模式、課程和技術,以提升亞洲地區(尤其是香港和中國)的學習效果。致力於在教育和學習領域產生積極影響,通過縮小理論與實踐之間的差距,培養一代人具備在現實世界中成功所需的技能和心態。
Solomon Learning Limited is a Hong Kong-based social enterprise that aims to transform education by connecting it to the real world. Introducing proven education models, curriculums, and technology to improve learning in Asia, particularly in Hong Kong and China. They are committed to making a positive impact in education and learning by bridging the gap between theory and practice and by fostering a generation equipped with the necessary skills and mindset to thrive in the real world.