From June 2020 to October 2022, the Council conducted a questionnaire survey among “Low-income Subdivided Unit Households” through 50 social service units, and based on the result, three thematic researches, i.e. “Housing Choice and Service Needs” (click here to access publication), “Awareness and Usage of Social Welfare” (click here to access publication), and ” Physical and Mental Health Status and the Needs for Primary Medical Services” (click here to access publication) had been conducted.
In order to further inform practitioners in the sector about the social characteristics and housing characteristics of “Low-income subdivided unit households”, the Council has disseminated the “Sub-divided Units Statistical Data Portal” (Click here to access) in an interactive data method based on the data collected.
If you have any enquiries or comments on this publication, please contact Mr. Lam by tel: 28642970 or email: [email protected]. Thank you!
Attachment: Memorandum