Further to the Council’s memo on the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024) dated August 12, 2022, please be informed that the Election will be conducted through postal ballots. In this regard, I am pleased to enclose herewith the ballots for your action. Please scan the following QR Code which contains the List of Candidates for your reference.
- List of Candidates of the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024)
(With brief self-introductions provided by candidates and short accounts on their involvements in the sector of social welfare)
- Ballots for the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024)
- Specialized Committee on Sector Finance
(Only Official Representatives of Agency Members are eligible to vote in the above Committee.)
- Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service
- Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service
- Specialized Committee on Elderly Service
(Only Official Representatives of Agency Members that have direct involvement in respective services are eligible to vote in the Committees concerned.)
In line with the Council’s strategic development, issues related to sector finance will be handled by standing committee after the Annual General Meeting 2023 (AGM 2023). The Specialized Committee on Sector Finance will be dissolved after the AGM 2023. During the transition period, members of the Specialized Committee on Sector Finance elected for a 2-year term in 2021 will retain their term of office until 2023. This year, election still take place for the aforesaid Committee, and the term of office is only one year until AGM 2023.
Ballots returned must be in ORIGINAL, completed by voters in person and sent back to the Council in the enclosed envelope by post or by hand no later than October 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon. Ballots received after poll closing time will not be counted. Other factors, such as postal delay, or the time shown on postal marks will not be considered for late returns.
Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. Kenny LEE, Officer (Membership Liaison and Service) at 2864 2973.