
發布日期: 2024-08-02

  • Post End Date: 2024-09-02

Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary

香港浸信會神學院 logo

Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary

Address:No 1 Nin Ming Road, Sai O, Sai Kung (North), NT

Telephone:2715 9511

Fax:2761 0868

E-mail:[email protected]




( Sorry, in Chinese version only. )




主要職務 :

  • 一般清潔工作,包括辦公室、宿舍、學院室內及戶外地方
  • 預備茶水招待客人
  • 午膳時間派發午餐


入職要求 :

  • 能讀寫中文及操流利廣東話
  • 誠實勤奮、有責任心及團體合作精神
  • 有相關工作經驗優先考慮



有意申請者請將申請書連同履歷、要求待遇,寄新界西貢北西澳年明路一號,張師母收或電郵致:[email protected]







** Apart from the vacancy in the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, this Council will not be responsible for processing any of the above vacancies. If you are interested in applying for the above vacancies, please submit your application directly to the relevant authorities. Thanks for your cooperation.

To apply for this job email your details to hrm2@hkcss.org.hk

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