As co-organized by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Social Welfare Department every year since 2011, the Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise aims at collecting views from the sector to identify and prioritize the welfare agenda for service enhancement and improvement in the forthcoming year to meet the social needs. In views of the latest situation of coronavirus disease, WAPS 2020 will be conducted by video conferencing.
The details are as follows:
Date: 15 May 2020 (Friday)
Time: 9:30 am – 1:00pm
Format: Video Conferencing
Quota: 500 Persons
If you are interested to join the event, please register online on or before 4 May 2020. The confirmation will be notified to participants by email on or before 11 May 2020 and selection will be made by the organizer for over enrollment. For enquiry, please contact Miss Teresa So at 2864-2944 or via email ([email protected]).