The Chief Executive stated in the 2019 Policy Address to provide primary healthcare services of different scales in all 18 districts, including District Health Centers (DHCs) in 7 districts and DHC Express in the remaining 11 districts. Pending the setting up of full fledged DHCs, the government will fund NGOs to provide health promotion,
consultation and chronic disease management services, and enhance public awareness on health management.
In view of this, the Food and Health Bureau plans to hold a consultation meeting for potential service operators of the District Health Centre Express in the first quarter of 2020, hoping to collect opinions from non governmental organizations hav ing experiences and interest in providing primary hea lth care services.
If your organization is interested, please complete the attached reply slip and email to , on or before 20 th December, 2019. The information provided by you will be forwarded to the Food and Health Bureau for future contacts of the event. For enquiries, please contact Ms Natalie Yau (Officer, Policy Research and Advocacy) at 2864 2967.