Agency Heads Meeting (Chinese Version only)
為促進業界共謀發展,社聯於每季舉行的機構會員主管會議,均就業界發展、社會議題及機構關注等等,與機構主管交流意見。我們特別重視討論環節及茶聚 時段,鼓勵本會各個不同性質的委員會、事務小組及關注組的成員,直接與機構主管溝通。以下是會議通告及議程內容,歡迎參閱及分享意見。
舉行日期 | 通告及議程 | 會議內容 |
2024年4月24日 |
Agenda議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members 1. S+ Summit cum ExPo 2024 2. Brief introduction of the upcoming grant scheme 3. Proposals on Welfare Priorities and Key Concerns
B. For Subvented Agency Members 4. Follow up on updating on Lump Sum Grant Manual 5. Updates on Guidelines on Funding and Service Agreement-related Activities and Cost Apportionment for Non-governmental Organisations 6. 500M Designated Fund 7. AOB |
2024年1月11日 |
2023年9月21日 |
2023年12月6日 |
2023年6月5日 |
Agenda議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members 1. Tele-practice – a Social Service New Horizon 2. Release of Care Food Guideline and Adoption, and Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) – batch 3 intermediary service 3. Project on Learning Platform on NGO Governance and Management B. For Subvented Agency Members 4. Updates on Operational Guidelines on Funding and Service Agreement-related Activities and Cost Apportionment for Non-governmental Organisations 5. AOB |
2023年3月20日 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members 1. “1+3” Strategic blueprint for HKCSS for the next 5-10 years B. For Subvented Agency Members 2. Updates on Operational Guidelines on Funding and Service Agreement-related Activities and Cost Apportionment for Non-governmental Organisations 3. Follow-up on Recommendations on Corporate Accountability and Governance of the Review Report on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 4. AOB |
2022年5月24日 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members 1. Consultancy Study on HKCSS Future Strategy 2. Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise 2022 3. Best Practice Award 2021 4. The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 5. Resumption of services and preparation for 6th wave of epidemic 6. Chief Executive Election B. For Subvented Agency Members 7. Budget cut by 1% for subvented NGOs from 2022/23 and sought for legal opinion on accumulated subventions reduction 8. Follow up on Review Report on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 9. AOB |
2022年1月25日 |
通告及議程 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members (9:30 am – 10:40 am) 1. Consultancy Study on HKCSS Future Strategy 2. Digital Social Service Platform B. For Subvented Agency Members(10:40 am – 11:45am) 3. Budget cut by 1% for subvented NGOs from 2022/23 4. Follow up on Review Report on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 5. AOB |
2021年7月27日 | 通告及議程 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members(3:00 pm – 3:20 pm) 1. Upcoming activities of the 75th Anniversary of the HKCSS 2. Gerontechnology Platform 3. “Chill Talk ” on service updates – subvented NGOs meeting with Self-financed NGOs B. For Subvented Agency Members(3:20 pm – 5:00 pm) 4. Discussion on Review Report on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 5. AOB |
2021年4月19日 | 通告及議程 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members(10:00 am – 10:40 am) 1. Upcoming activities of the 75th Anniversary of the HKCSS 2. IT Strategy Review conducted by Social Welfare Department 3. New Election System of the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive of the HKSAR B. For Subvented Agency Members(10:40 pm – 12:00 pm) 4. Update of the Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System |
2020年10月29日 | 通告及議程 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members(2:30 pm – 2:40 pm) 1. Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care ( I&T Fund) and Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) B. For Subvented Agency Members(2:40 pm – 4:00 pm) 2. Updates on Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System
2020年7月23日 | 通告及議程 |
Agenda 議程 A. For Subvented Agency Members(9:30 am – 11:00 am) 1. Updates on Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 1.1 The HKCSS’study on adequacy of LSG subvention using MPS mid-point as benchmark 1.2 Preliminary recommendations of the Task Force on review scope “(b) Review on Staffing Establishment and Subvention Benchmark” and “(d) Salary structures, staff turnover and vacancy”
B. For Subvented Agency Members and Non-Subvented Agency Members(11:00 am – 12:20pm) 3. Anti-epidemic campaign 4. The Caring Company Scheme Award Presentation 2019/20 5. 2020 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise 6. Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) and Gerontech Rental Project 7. The HKCSS’ new structure of the core business on “Policy Research & Advocacy” C. For Non-Subvented Agency Members(12:20pm – 12:30pm) 8. Funding opportunities for small and non-subvented NGOs
2020年1月22日 | 通告及議程 |
A. For Subvented Agency Members (9:30am-10:15am)
1.1 Progress of the Review Scope (b) and (d) 1.2 Sector Engagement for the Review – Prioritization of Concerned Issues and Deliberation on Strategies B. For Subvented Agency Members and Non- Subvented Agency Members (10:45am-11:30am)
2019年6月4日 | 通告及議程 | A. For Subvented Agency Members(9:30 am-11:00 am)
與資助機構會員相關的議題(上午9時30分-11時) 1. Updates on the Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System優化整筆撥款津助制度檢討進展 1.1 Questionnaires for staff and users員工和服務使用者調查問卷 1.2 Discussion on Proposal on Cost Apportionment討論《成本分攤建議書》 B. For both Subvented Agency Members and Non- Subvented Agency Members (11:00 am -12:15 pm) 與資助機構會員及非資助機構會員相關的議題 (上午11時-12時15分) 2.Taxable activities of charitable organisations under the Inland Revenue Ordinance – new measures that might affect NGOs (11:00 am-11:45 am) 根據“稅務條例”慈善組織的應課稅活動 – 可能影響非政府機構的新措施(上午11時-11時45分) 3. Key recommendations of WAPS congressesand annual submission (11:45 am-12:00 noon) [福利議題及優次會議]的主要建議和提交年度建議書(上午11時45分-中午12時) 4. Update on Gerontechnology (12:00 noon-12:15 pm) 樂齡科技最新進展(中午12時-12時15分)
C. For Non- Subvented Agency Members(12:15 pm-12:30 pm) 與非資助機構會員相關的議題(下午12時15分-12時30分) 5. HKCSS Outstanding Small and Medium-sized NGO Award 2019(12:15 pm-12:30 pm) 2019年度社聯傑出中小型社會服務機構獎(下午12時15分-12時30分) 6. A.O.B. 其他事項
可供下載文件: 1. Questionnaires for staff and users員工和服務使用者調查問卷 2. Discussion on Proposal on Cost Apportionment討論《成本分攤建議書》 4. Key recommendations of WAPS congressesand annual submission [福利議題及優次會議]的主要建議和提交年度建議書 5. HKCSS Outstanding Small and Medium-sized NGO Award 2019 2019年度社聯傑出中小型社會服務機構獎 |
2019年1月29日 | 通告及議程 |
A. For Non- Subvented Agency Members (2:30pm- 3:00pm ) 與非資助機構會員相關的議題(下午2:30 – 3:00) 1. Support to Small and Non- Subvented Agency Members – New Development Areas 對小型及非資助機構會員的支持 – 新發展範疇
B. For both Subvented Agency Members and Non- Subvented Agency Members (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm) 與資助機構會員及非資助機構會員相關的議題(下午3:00 – 3:30) 2. Salary Survey for NGOs 2018 非政府機構薪酬調查2018 3. Hong Kong NGO Governance Health Survey 香港非政府機構管治健康狀況調查
C. For Subvented Agency Members (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) 與資助機構會員相關的議題(下午3:30 – 5:00)
4. Update on the Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System 優化整筆撥款津助制度檢討進展 5. Update on the Implementation of the Review Reports on Remuneration Packages for Staff in the Top Three Tiers 最高三層職員薪酬檢討報告執行進展 6. Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses (Phase II)私人土地作福利用途特別計劃(第二期) 7. Update on the Review of Ordinances and Codes of Practice for Residential Care Homes 院舍條例及實務守則檢討進展 8. A.O.B. 其他事項 |
2018年7月13日 |
A. For Subvented Agency Members與資助機構會員相關的議題 1. Review on Lump Sum Grant Subvention System (9:30 am-10:30 am)優化整筆撥款津助制度檢討 1a. Funding and Service Agreement (FSA) and Cross Subsidization 津貼及服務協議與交叉補貼 1b. Sector Engagement – Advocacy for Review on “Notional Staffing Establishment” 業界參與 – 倡議「估計人手編制」的檢視 2. Updates on the “4 Outstanding Items” of Best Practice Manual (10:30am-10:45am)《最佳執行指引》中「4個未達共識的項目」之最新進展 B. For both Subvented Agency Members and Non- Subvented Agency Members 與資助機構會員及非資助機構會員相關的議題 3. Updates on “NGO Governance Platform Project” (10:45am-11:00am)「非政府機構董事會網絡計劃」最新進展 4. A.O.B. 其他事項 |
2018年3月2日 |
機構主管會議 |
A. For Subvented Agency Members 與資助機構會員相關的議題 1. Review on Lump Sum Grant Subvention System – Sector Engagement 優化整筆撥款津助制度檢討-業界參與 2. Discussion on 4 outstanding items of Best Practice Manual 討論《最佳執行指引》4個未達共識的項目 B. For both Subvented Agency Members and Non- Subvented Agency Members 與資助機構會員及非資助機構會員相關的議題 3. Updates on “NGO Governance Platform Project” 「非政府機構董事會網絡計劃」最新進展 4. Updates on “Advocacy and Promotion for Industry Standard” 「倡議及推廣行業標準」最新進展 5. A.O.B. 其他事項 |