Rehabilitation Service
We nurture the development of local rehabilitation service development. At the same time, we actively promote equal employment opportunities, barrier-free environment for disables and the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Hong Kong. Such implementation will safeguard the disables’ equal rights, freedom and dignity.
For more information , please visit
The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities is the umbrella body of non-governmental organizations for and of persons with disabilities in Hong Kong. Formerly known as the Joint Council for the Physically and Mentally Disabled – Hong Kong, it was established in 1964 and granted exemption of registration under the Societies Ordinance.
IDPD (Chinese version only)
每年12月3日為聯合國所定的「國際復康日」,香港復康聯會/ 香港社會服務聯會自一九九三年起已積極響應,並聯同全港十八區區議會、有關政部門、復康機構、社區團體及學校等,攜手籌辦各項大型慶祝項目和地區推廣活動,致力倡導殘疾人士融入社會,推廣「傷健齊心‧萬眾一家」的訊息。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Home Manager Caring Leadership Training Scheme, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and ogranised by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, aims to strengthen Residential Care Home (RCH) Managers’ management skills and leadership in enhancing person-centred care and working culture at their respective homes, complementing the existing Training for Home Managers Scheme subsidised by the Social Welfare Department.
In response to rapidly changing social development, social welfare has always clenched pulse of the community, and constantly innovative and professional approach, providing a variety of high-quality social welfare services to meet the needs of different services. Among the industry’s accumulated expertise and practical wisdom, it is voluminous.