A ‘Lift Modernization Subsidy Scheme (LIMSS) was announced by the Chief Executive in Policy Address 2018 to encourage eligible building owners to enhance the safety of aged lifts. A sum of HKD2.5 billion has been set aside for this project. The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Development Bureau were commissioned to launch this Scheme.
HKCSS has been appointed by the URA to conduct a need assessment to evaluate the potential social service needs of those affected residents under LIMSS. HKCSS is inviting a suitable NGO partner to assist in the completion of following tasks.
Assessment and report submission |
Sep 2019 – Feb 2020 |
Objectives |
Tasks |
Organizations with strong experience in community development, cross-sectoral partnership and / or mobility support services (e.g. stair-climbing service) are welcomed to submit the application form with a brief work plan, background of organization and budget on or before 12:00nn , 4th September, 2019 via email ([email protected]) or post (Rm 1002, 10/F., Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai). Should you have any enquiries, kindly contact Ms. Lo at 28642960 or sally.lo @hkcss.org.hk.