由於DISC 簡單又準確,該系統已在國際間稱為通用的行為語言。此語言易於被廣泛受眾學習、理解和管理。自建立至今,DISC測試一直被視為是一種可靠和有效的工具。
- Every person has distinctive characteristics and qualities, which influence their thinking, preferences and behavior. The DISC Personality System is a tool that aims to help individuals increase in effectiveness as they identify and capitalize on strengths, whilst recognizing potential limitations and blind spots
- DISC is a four-quadrant behavioral model based on the work of William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893 – 1947) to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific common behavioral characteristics. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters: Dominant, Influencing, Steady, Compliant
This course is designed for those who would like to be a certified Behavioral Consultant (with a title “Certified Behaviorial Consultant” ). This 2-day workshop will prepare the participants to learn intensively and comprehensively to be qualified exponents of DISC; unlike other DISC programs that only accredit participants to learn to use the tool
Proficiency Examination & Assignment
- Proficiency Examination
- The participants are required to take a multiple choice examination to ensure their understanding of the course content. Examination result will be sent via email separately to individual participants in 3 weeks upon course completion. For those who fail the Proficiency Examination will be required to re-take the examination on web with no extra cost
- Assignment
- A home assignment will be sent to the participants through email after the 2-day workshop; 2 DISC Analysis Reports, written in “Microsoft Word” format, are required to be submitted to IML for marking. The assignment result will be sent through email to individual participants within 4 weeks from the date of submission
- Attendance Certificate will be issued by HKCSS Institute to participants upon 80% attendance of the 2-day training
- DISC Certification will be issued by The Institute for Motivational Living, USA to participants who have completed this 2-day training and passed the Proficiency Examination & Assignment
- Entitlement of using the title CERTIFIED BEHAVIORIAL CONSULTANT (CBC) in your business card
- Flexibility to purchase and use both online and paper versions of the assessments via the HKCSS Institute platform
- Full use of PeopleKeys online report
- A complimentary set up of online account for future training and consulting work via the HKCSS Institute platform
- A complimentary facilitation kit that includes training slides (with both English & Chinese versions), trainer’ s guide, training videos
- Full follow up and complimentary one-on-one coaching by our resident consultants to run your workshop or training
- A complimentary set of training props that includes DISC Quick Identifier Cards, Activities Guide, “Who am I?” DISC Game Card
- Complimentary one-on-one coaching for certified consultants using DISC for (upon request) communication skills, coaching, leadership & management, stress management, sales training
Course Structure
Day1 | Day2 |
Course Details
Course Code : 19A-C01
Date : 3 & 4 October 2019 (Thursday & Friday)
Time : 0930 – 1730 (7 hours each day, 14 hours in total)
Venue : Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Target Participants : NGO managerial and supervisory staff
Class Size : 30
Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fees : $9,250,
$8,950 (Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
Early Bird Fee: $8,650 (Payment received on/before 12 September 2019 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
*Remarks: “Small NGO Capacity Development Subsidy Programme” is not applicable for this course.
Mr George Quek (郭仲杰先生)
Master Trainer
Distinctions Asia (HK) Limited
Guest Speaker
Ms Lois Lam (林莉君女士)
Head, HKCSS Institute
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service