The Social Welfare Department set up the “Task Force for Review on Enhancement of LSGSS” in November 2017 and decided to review LSGSS according to the following scope of 8 items:
(a) Operating environment of NGOs under the LSGSS
(b) Review of staffing establishment and subvention benchmarks
(c) Use of LSG/PF reserve and financial planning
(d) Pay structures, staff turnover rate and vacancies
(e) FSA-related activities and flexibility provided for NGOs
(f) Mechanisms for reviewing FSAs and NGOs’ service performance assessment
(g) Transparency and public accountability
(h) Communication and participation of stakeholders
After two years’ review, it is expected that the Task Force should have discussed 6-8 items by the end of 2019. In this connection, the Council is going to organize three forums for the Boards and heads of concerned agencies in February 2020 to update the progress of the review, and to align the views of the sector with regard to the recommendations. Details of the events as follows:
Date: 3 sessions
12 February 2020 (Wednesday) – Cantonese session
20 February 2020 (Thursday) – Cantonese session
21 February 2020 (Friday) – English session
Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm (registration starts at 6:15pm)
Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Content: Progress update on LSGSS review and discussion on the recommendations
All board members and CEOs of our agency members receiving LSG are welcome to join this Forum. Registration for the event can be made online on or before 5 February 2020 (Wednesday). For enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms Stella Ho, Project Director, at 2922 9259 or by email at [email protected].