Making Infographics: Principles and Pitfalls
Data Visualization has been hailed as a hot trend in annual report, publication, press release, social media posts, promotion materials and different types of reports. The objective of this course is to introduce how info-graphics can enhance the effects of storytelling, influence readers and how to avoid common mistakes in design.
Session 1: Principles and Analytical Skills 原理與分析技巧
This session will focus on conceptual issues around planning for info-graphics and skills related to data collection, preparation and interpretation.
- Info-graphic as scientific method
- Key issues in data collection and preparation
- Common fallacies in data analysis
Course code: 19B-19
Date: 17 March 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 0930-1230 (3 hrs)
Session 2: Design and Common Pitfalls 設計要訣與常見陷阱
This session will focus on practical issues related to layout design and common pitfalls in choosing and implementing various forms of representation.
- Design, composition and communication skills
- Ethical issues in representation
- Beyond bars and lines: Choices of creative expression
Course code: 19B-20
Date: 17 March 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 1400-1700 (3 hrs)
Course Details
Course Codes: 19B-19, 19B-20
Date: 17 March 2020 (Tuesday)
Times: 19B-19 – Session 1: 0930-1230 (3 hours)
19B-20 – Session 2: 1400-1700 (3 hours)
Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Target Participants: NGO Staff
Class size: 30 each session
Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fees: $570 each session,
$530 each session (Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only),
Early Bird Fee: $460 each session (Payment received on/before 25 February 2020 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)


【信息圖像(Infographic) – 製作要點你要知!】