User-centered Design for Optimizing NGO User Experience
以用户主导的设计思维优化 NGO 用户体验
- To understand the approach and importance of user-centered design, and its application in NGO service innovation
- To identify pain-points of service users in different service field
- Staff-centered vs user-centered in NGO service scope
- Study and develop user-life cycle, user life-time value and user journey
- Case studies (Social innovation, Creative education, Youth Entrepreneurship and Online Outreach)
- Introduction and practice of tools for developing user-centered model for services
- Introduction to design thinking research methods
Course Details
Course Code: 19B-24
Date: 20 August 2020 (Tuesday) [Revised]
Times: 0930-1700 (6 hours)
Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Target Participants: NGO Managerial Staff & Supervisory Staff
Class size: 30
Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fees: $1,140,
$1,060 (Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only),
Early Bird Fee: $920 (Payment received on/before 30 July 2020 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
*In response to the novel coronavirus, in order to avoid delays in application, please use member portal (institute.hkcss.org.hk/login/) for registration if possible. If you would like to apply by post, please send the completed application form to HKCSS Institute by email ([email protected]) in advance. Thank you!


设计思维(Design Thinking)是由美国顶尖创新公司 IDEO 及史丹福大学所研发的创新方法,被誉为全球其中一个最有效推行创新的思考工具,近年亦在香港的工商及社福界进行广泛讨论甚至应用。