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User-centered Design for Optimizing NGO User Experience
以用戶主導的設計思維優化 NGO 用戶體驗
- To understand the approach and importance of user-centered design, and its application in NGO service innovation
- To identify pain-points of service users in different service field
- Staff-centered vs user-centered in NGO service scope
- Study and develop user-life cycle, user life-time value and user journey
- Case studies (Social innovation, Creative education, Youth Entrepreneurship and Online Outreach)
- Introduction and practice of tools for developing user-centered model for services
- Introduction to design thinking research methods
Course Details
Course Codes: 19B-24
Date: 25 March 2020 (Wednesday)
Times: 0930-1700 (6 hours)
Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Target Participants: NGO Managerial Staff & Supervisory Staff
Class size: 30 each session
Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Fees: $1,140 each session,
$1,060 each session (Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only),
Early Bird Fee: $920 each session (Payment received on/before 4 March 2020 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only)
設計思維(Design Thinking)是由美國頂尖創新公司 IDEO 及史丹福大學所研發的創新方法,被譽為全球其中一個最有效推行創新的思考工具,近年亦在香港的工商及社福界進行廣泛討論甚至應用。
Trainer |
Mr Lee Kin Lok Kenneth 李健樂先生
Head of Youth Business
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Kenneth has a business, communications and design background, and he has been in youth work service field for almost 10 years. During the time he serves the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, he founded the Youth S.P.O.T. Magazine (青年空間雜誌), developed and took lead of the user-centric design unit, oversaw youth entrepreneurship and social innovation services, supervised social enterprises, coordinated and steered the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong (前海深港青年夢工場) and Chengdu-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (蓉 港青年創新創業夢工場) Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub, oversaw the M21.hk multimedia hub and creative education unit of the Federation.
*以上課程獲「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助,符合資格的小型非資助社福機構職員,如於2020年3月4日或之前成功申請可以二折學費 #報讀,每個課程名額為 5 個。
# 關於「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助條件:凡申請者工作之機構年度經常開支少於一千萬港元,成功申請者可獲八成學費資助,即以二折學費報讀課程。
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